Wednesday, June 6, 2012

the old man in grey

That was the last sound and an old man wearing grey stood before me. He asked me, how could I produce so beautiful song. I ca not answer so fast... So, Zaqén came to help me. 'This is a very special boy. Through my whole life I have never found someone, child or adult, who could compete in inventing songs like him. They all seemed to flow directly from heart to fingers, from fingers to strings, from strings to our ears, and finally, from ears to our own hearts.' These words were wonderful and maybe became I ablush... 'O' said the old man in grey 'so that works!' He looked very curious, as he has never seen something similar before. 'Truly I have never seen an musical instrument like that. It sounds wonderfully. The court musicians may not know these kind of instrument, although it resembles lute, that is a very noble instrument. Would you and your son or grandson came to the court this night? Honorably invited by me?' Zaqén did not know exactly how to answer, but he, the master of words, replied in the most polished style he could. 'There is a misunderstanding here. The boy, although very apreciated by me, really like a son or grandson, is not so. Though are we immensely honoured by your invitation and at dawn we will be at the gates of the palace.''O, sorry, sorry... I would not be so rude to make you walk from here to the palace. It is far enough to an old man in grey to walk and to get lost in his own thoughts, but not for special visitors. Someone will come to take you to the palace. There our minstrels will play, we will have some food and other distractions; but it will be so gentle if we of the court could hear a little from these young genius. I thought, our minstrels and storytellers could envy his talent, so I beg, take it not so seriously.' Zaqén looked at me and asked me if all was good for me. Ziqena had listened to almost every word there spoken and agreed with all. 'That is all fine for me.' I answered. 'So until night.' Replied the old man and desapeared in the multitude as a very ordinary man.